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Instead of using the CSS variable system from the standard Frontend libs, Frontend libs Tailwind includes a system that helps you avoid writing Tailwind classes twice, and allows reusing them between the Block editor and the frontend view.

All the magic happens within the component/block manifests, within the tailwind key.


Your code editor will help you configure all the manifest options.

The Tailwind manifest configuration consists of a couple of main parts:

  • base classes
  • parts
  • options-based classes
  • combinations

Base part

These classes should be applied to the main part of your block/component. This does not necessarily mean the top-most element of your component, though.

"tailwind": {
"base": {
"twClasses": "font-sans [&>a]:underline"


If needed, you can also separately specify classes that will be applied in the editor. These will override all the twClasses.

"tailwind": {
"base": {
"twClasses": "absolute top-0 inset-x-0 flex flex-col gap-4",
"twClassesEditor": "flex flex-col gap-4"

Options-based classes

This part of the config allows outputting different classes, based on attributes set in the block/component.

"tailwind": {
"options": {
"paragraphSize": {
"twClasses": {
"sm": "text-sm",
"base": "~sm/md:~text-sm/base",
"md": "~sm/md:~text-lg/2xl",
"lg": "~sm/md:~text-xl/3xl"
"paragraphFontWeight": {
"twClasses": {
"700": "font-bold"


If needed, you can also separately specify classes that will be applied in the editor. These will override all the twClasses.

"tailwind": {
"options": {
"columnHide": {
"twClasses": {
"true": "hidden"
"twClassesEditor": {
"true": "opacity-50"

Responsive attributes

If you need an attribute that is allowed to be changed per-breakpoint, do this:

  1. When defining an attribute, make it an object and add the default keys

    "tailwind": {
    "attributes": {
    "demoSpacing": {
    "type": "object",
    "default": {
    "_default": "base",
    "_desktopFirst": false

    (change _default value and _desktopFirst as desired)

  2. Mark the option class as responsive

    "tailwind": {
    "options": {
    "demoSpacing": {
    "twClasses": {
    "sm": "p-4",
    "base": "p-8",
    "md": "p-12",
    "lg": "p-20"
    "responsive": true
  3. Add the appropriate option component in the admin (use it within the Responsive component)


By default, the options classes are added to the base class. If you want a certain attribute's classes to be added to a part, specify the part name with the part property.

"tailwind": {
"options": {
"demoSpacing": {
"twClasses": {
"sm": "p-4",
"base": "p-8",
"md": "p-12",
"lg": "p-20"
"part": "myPartName"


If you have a more complex design or functionality that can't be implemented with just base classes and options, combinations are here to save the day!

With combinations you can define a set of attributes that need to be set on the block/component, and an accompanying list of classes to be applied.

"tailwind": {
"combinations": [
"attributes": {
"buttonVariant": "primary",
"buttonColor": "red"
"twClasses": "text-red-100 border-red-100 focus-visible:ring-red-500/30 hover:bg-red-100 hover:text-red-950"

Multiple accepted values

When specifying conditions, you may want to specify multiple values that will be accepted.

"tailwind": {
"combinations": [
"attributes": {
"buttonVariant": [
"buttonColor": "red"
"twClasses": "text-red-100 border-red-100 focus-visible:ring-red-500/30 hover:bg-red-100 hover:text-red-950"


If needed, you can also separately specify classes that will be applied in the editor. These will override all the twClasses.

"tailwind": {
"combinations": [
"attributes": {
"buttonVariant": "primary",
"buttonFixedPosition": true
"twClasses": "absolute top-0 left-0 m-2",
"twClassesEditor": "m-2"

Outputting classes

Base part

Use getTwClasses in JavaScript, or Helpers::getTwClasses in PHP.

Output class list will include:

  • the base classes
  • options (that don't have a part assigned)
  • combinations

Static parts

Use getTwPart in JavaScript, or Helpers::getTwPart in PHP.

Output class list will include:

  • the part classes

Dynamic parts

Use getTwDynamicPart in JavaScript, or Helpers::getTwDynamicPart in PHP.

Output class list will include:

  • the part classes
  • options that have a part with the same name assigned